Wednesday, January 19, 2011

day 1

i am sarah. i am 5'10" and weigh well over 400 pounds. i say well over, because the last time i was weighed, i weighed 480. it's difficult finding a scale, outside of a center that specializes in treating, i believe the term for me is, clinically obese. i am not here to blame or bad mouth anyone, including myself. i am here to log a journey and find accountability for myself TO myself.

i work swing shift and am a night owl, so i've tailored a plan and goals for myself to be active and ultimately, more healthy.

my goal, right now (these will evolve over time) is to walk, after work, every night. walking for me, right now, is a painful experience. no human body is built to support this much weight and my skeletal structure is under a lot of pressure and strain.

i will add more back-story at some point and more of my personality will come through. because frankly, i'm a funny fucker.

however, the most important thing now, is that i'm doing this.

tonight, january 19th, i walked an 1/8 of a mile.


  1. Wishing you every success on your journey :)

  2. I wouldn't have guessed that woman!!

  3. I will be following your journey!

  4. @Kim: you've been very inspiring. even though it's taken a while for that inspiration to kick in.

    @Kari: i know.

    @Velvet: =)
